We Provide Professional Solutions For:

Materials Receiving and Segregation

Materials Receiving and Segregation

Materials Receiving and Segregation

Materials Receiving and Segregation

Mixing and Batch Formation

Mixing and Batch Formation

Maturation and Curing

Maturation and Curing

Screening and Quality Control

Screening and Quality Control

Screening and Quality Control

Screening and Quality Control

Track and Trace Materials, Audit Trail

Track and Trace Materials, Audit Trail

Track and Trace Materials, Audit Trail

Track and Trace Materials, Audit Trail

Monitoring and Managing Environmental Conditions

Monitoring and Managing Environmental Conditions

Equipment Maintenance and Labor Management

Equipment Maintenance and Labor Management

Record Keeping and Compliance

Record Keeping and Compliance

Record Keeping and Compliance

Record Keeping and Compliance

Streamlined Inventory, Invoice Data Preparation

Streamlined Inventory, Invoice Data Preparation

Empower Your Sales and Marketing

Empower Your Sales and Marketing

Empower Your Sales and Marketing

Empower Your Sales and Marketing

Effortless Data Gathering

Effortless Data Gathering

Centralized Data Management

Centralized Data Management

Intuitive, Easy-to-Use System

Intuitive, Easy-to-Use System

Cloud Based or Server Based Operation

Cloud Based or Server Based Operation

Cloud Based or Server Based Operation

Cloud Based or Server Based Operation

Quality Assurance Visualization

Quality Assurance Visualization

Compost Facility Planning

Compost Facility Planning

By addressing these key functions through our integrated Compost Software ERP, you will achieve greater operational efficiency, ensure product quality, comply with regulatory standards, and enhance overall business performance. Our Compost Software ERP becomes your central hub for managing all aspects of your recycling and composting operation, from raw material input to product distribution, supporting sustainability and profitability goals.

Materials Receiving and Segregation

The Aschl Compost Software ERP meticulously monitors the types and volumes of feedstock received, guaranteeing precise segregation and enhancing the quality of inputs for the composting process. It adeptly manages incoming raw material inventory levels, continuously monitoring stocks, and accurately predicting the necessity for additional inputs.

Materials Receiving and Segregation

Mixing and Batch Formation

Our Compost Software ERP meticulously controls the carbon to nitrogen (C:N) ratios and moisture levels by tailoring recipes for various compost batches and final product mixtures. By doing so, it guarantees uniform quality across all compost outputs. This involves a careful selection of materials and precise adjustment of conditions to foster the ideal composting environment, ensuring that each batch meets strict quality standards. This attention to detail in the mixing and batch formation stages is crucial for producing high-quality, nutrient-rich compost that supports healthy plant growth. Automate the scheduling of turning and aeration activities based on the composting stage and environmental data, optimizing microbial activity and decomposition rates.

Mixing and Batch Formation

Maturation and Curing

Process Tracking: Monitor the duration and conditions of the maturation phase, ensuring that compost reaches the desired level of stability before it’s deemed ready for use.
Quality Assurance: Record quality metrics throughout the curing process to guarantee that the final product meets regulatory and customer standards.

Maturation and Curing

Screening and Quality Control

Closely monitor product finishing and distribution. Manage a catalog of finished compost products with detailed quality attributes, supporting accurate sales and marketing efforts. Manage the supply chain for finishing products and coordinate logistics for distribution, planning deliveries and delivery schedules. Process customer orders, manage inventory levels of finished compost, and track deliveries, improving customer satisfaction.

Screening and Quality Control

Track and Trace Materials, Audit Trail

Easily document your feedstocks’ journey, tracing their path from origin through the composting process, from mixing to maturation, to finished products and customers, as well as backtracking from customers to the initial feedstocks used. Thereby ensuring traceability and quality control.

Track and Trace Materials, Audit Trail

Monitoring and Managing Environmental Conditions

Sensor Integration: Integrates with cloud-based sensor equipment to continuously monitor temperature, moisture, and oxygen levels in compost piles, alerting management to any conditions that require intervention. Collect data in remote locations off-site via tablet apps and sync back to the main database. Utilize data analytics to understand environmental conditions’ impacts on compost quality, facilitating process improvements.

Monitoring and Managing Environmental Conditions

Equipment Maintenance and Labor Management

Optimize scheduling and rigorous supervision of maintenance tasks for key processing equipment, including shredders, turners, and screens, to reduce downtime and maintain superior operational efficiency. Efficiently coordinate labor schedules and task allocations, guaranteeing the availability of skilled personnel for crucial operations such as grinding, turning, and screening. This dual approach ensures both machinery and workforce are effectively harmonized, maximizing productivity and sustaining high-performance standards across all operations.

Equipment Maintenance and Labor Management

Record Keeping and Compliance

Ensure compliance with regulatory standards by managing and documenting quality control tests and results within the Compost Software ERP. Maintain comprehensive records of feedstock inputs, process adjustments, quality control tests, and compliance documentation within the ERP compost software, facilitating easy access and audit readiness. Generate detailed reports on operational efficiency, quality control, environmental impact, and compliance, supporting strategic decision-making and continuous improvement.

Record Keeping and Compliance

Streamlined Inventory, Invoice Data Preparation

Monitors feedstock, finished products, and blends for each location and the entire company. Facilitates quick handling of customer orders, dispatching shipments, and preparing invoicing and receivable data.

Streamlined Inventory, Invoice Data Preparation

Empower Your Sales and Marketing

Boost your sales and market presence with our advanced CRM system, designed to elevate your compost products’ visibility. Our platform offers powerful tools for lead capture, customer relationship management, and targeted marketing, all tailored to enhance your sales performance and ensure your products stand out. Experience a streamlined approach to driving growth and strengthening your brand with our comprehensive CRM functionalities.

Empower Your Sales and Marketing

Instant Information, Rapid Reporting

Get concise summaries or in-depth details as required. Choose between one-click overviews and extensive reports. Available for access anytime, anywhere.

  • Cost Analysis: Feedstock and Equipment Expenses, Labor Hours
  • Inventory Management: Current Stock and Values, Inbound Deliveries, Customer Shipments
  • Sales Tracking: Pending Orders, Issued Quotes
  • Production Monitoring: Ongoing Batches, Output Achieved and Projected
  • Regulatory Compliance: Standards Adherence and Fulfillment
Instant Information, Rapid Reporting

Effortless Data Gathering

Automatically log data for feedstocks, finished products, activities, and measurements. Seamlessly integrate data from computerized scales, other devices, tablets, smartphones and cloud-based services.

Effortless Data Gathering

Centralized Data Management

A unified database accessible and updatable by authorized personnel in the head office and remote locations. Eliminates the need for cumbersome data clusters and complex spreadsheet compilations.

Centralized Data Management

Intuitive, Easy-to-Use System

  • Includes help texts within each program and a comprehensive, detailed user manual.
  • Features customizable menus and program permissions for individual users, compatible with network or standalone PC setups.
  • Enables seamless data export/import to/from other business systems, accounts receivables, automated scales, etc.
Intuitive, Easy-to-Use System

Cloud Based or Server Based Operation

The Aschl Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Compost Software is designed to offer unparalleled flexibility and efficiency, catering to the diverse needs of modern businesses. Operating seamlessly in a cloud-based environment, it enables organizations to leverage the power of the cloud for scalability, mobility, and cost-effectiveness. For businesses that prioritize control and security, our ERP Compost Software solution can be deployed on in-house servers, providing complete autonomy over data management and infrastructure. Additionally, it supports remote server-based operations, offering a balanced approach that combines accessibility with control. This versatile deployment capability ensures that regardless of your business’s operational preferences or requirements, our ERP compost software can adapt to meet your specific needs, ensuring optimal performance, security, and reliability.

Cloud Based or Server Based Operation

Quality Assurance Visualization

Easily document measurement values, data, and processing activities in clear, user-friendly graphical formats.

Quality Assurance Visualization

Compost Facility Planning

Optimize your compost operation with our advanced facility planning tool. Factor in crucial elements such as available space, operational requirements, equipment specifications, feedstock volumes, and intended production volumes to design an efficient site layout and equipment configuration. Achieve the highest quality compost output while maximizing site profitability through informed decision-making.

Compost Facility Planning